Thursday, October 23, 2014

Edhuvum kadandu sellum

There is bigger pain than that occurs in career. People lose their lives, houses and live in dangerous areas. I have no dearth for food, stay and basic accomodation. God will take care of me and hope is the pillar that holds the earth. * Jim quits his position leaving us in a loom of darkness.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Parenting Issues and Pleasures

There is nothing more happier than you see your child smile. It is a great gift from god for me to experience this. But I am growing as a person-making real choices and telling me myself not to be too hard on myself for mistakes can happen and I will learn from it. Sh has been sick and it is helping me to grow as a mom with priorities. I have to be strong to not let go off work. My boy should see me with respect. I need to be on top of things to know more for him and teach him good. I need to be in a self-respecting position for him to learn to respect other women and learn social skills. This winter will be hard but it shall pass and I will learn to take care of my family. God give me the strength and wisdom to row the boat row it on the sea, merrily merrily merrily for life is but a dream!