1st Jan 2008, 7 pm
A demon from the center bay
Rising negatives all through the way,
I fight with my sword
Pulling my basic rights aboard
A little song from the heart
Whispering through every beat
“Deiriyama Eru “ “Deiriyama Eru”
Many a times it pacified the soul
Tiny petite woman was she
Lived many years in the ignorant sea
Little did she know about the outside
But a very strong woman inside
My only company during my exams
Pulling her legs lighten the air
At the thought emptiness fills
Filling my heart with her demeanor
The corner she used to occupy
Taking our words in a sway
A sweetie in many ways
Make your presence felt through
Hard to digest, But yeah!
Afterall I am human
Swayed by the waves
Etching you in my memories
I miss you!